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Massage Minute #41

Logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; All knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it. Propositions arrived by purely logical means are completely empty of reality.
- Albert Einstein


As a modality that is offered with our Integrative Massage, I’m excited to share this article from an adept innovator and one of the most keen observers & commentators in today’s health care arena.

John Barnes, PT has been a powerful advocate of massage and manual therapies for over 25 years. I’m honored to call him a mentor. This article is straight from his website



Hyponatremia refers to the reduced concentration of sodium in the blood which occurs in high intensity, long exposure activities. This often results from drinking an overabundance of water, especially filtered water which remove electrolytes during the filtration process. Symptoms may include nausea, muscular cramping, upset stomach, vomiting, dizziness, seizures and delirium. Coma and even death may result.

Although this article may seem counter-intuitive at first, It is a concern that should be shared when treating athletes involved in short- & long-course high intensity events.

The attached article comes to you compliments of the New York Times

Front Row Seats!: The Trigger Point Therapy debate
(round one)

These next two articles take you to the action and debate over the theory and efficacy of Trigger Point Therapy. I love this stuff! It’s exactly where educators’ energies should be channeled; healthy dialogue on how best to help our students, therapists, clients and patients.

As my students know, I’m a big fan of Dr. Chaitow (pronounced Sha-toe) et al. My advanced graduates should recognize several points in his rebuttal. They are discussed ad infinitum et ad nauseam throughout the advanced curriculum ;o)!

Both articles come to you compliments of Massage Today


I still get many questions and shocking stories from therapists that are approached with unprofessional requests during their sessions. It is our oldest stigma and our most embarrassing myth...the disrespect of our noble healing profession by regarding it as a sexual outlet. This article comes to you from the Massage Therapy Journal (MTJ)

Tedy Narvaez

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