Natural pain care through massage therapy

Integrative Touch and Bodywork

Where Massage Therapists go
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Massage Minute #38

Let there be spaces in your togetherness
And let the winds of heaven dance between you
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your soul
-Kahlil Gibran

Namaste, therapists!

I’m sending this a little early because I don’t expect to have much time available over the next several weeks. Especially with the FSMTA convention quickly approaching  the first weekend of July. I’ve thrown in a fourth topic this time around. I’ve never embedded a link to audio information but I figured it’s worth a try...let me know what you think....

Is massage supposed to be painful?

Hear is a common massage myth finally put to rest by one of my favorite massage publications, the Massage Therapy Journal; a quarterly magazine circulated by the AMTA. For the complete article open the Massage Hurt? pdf.


I get a lot of questions about this one and I was relieved to see this article from the New York Times. Enjoy!

Sports Medicine Quiz

I’m sending this link primarily for my former/current advanced students, but others of you may find this interesting and entertaining. Good luck!


I’m a big fan of NPR and I happened to come across this sound bite on their website. Very cool. You need either RealOne Player or Windows Media Player for this:

*Listen to this story*
Please click on the headline to the story using a RealAudio or Windows Media player.
For players or technical support, please visit NPR's Audio Help page.

*Order a text transcript of this story*

Tedy Narvaez

PS. I think it’s wonderful that many of you use the expression, “Namaste.” It is a beautiful expression and one that I am very fond of. However, I recently asked someone what it meant and I almost collapsed into apoplexy when I heard the response, “peace be with you.” So, my fist is forced into the abyss of ignorance with a small glimmer of knowledge and here it is: