Integrative Touch and Bodywork

Natural Pain Care
Through Massage Therapy

Health Articles


A clear and concise article from the NY Times about the powerful and detrimental affects of Stress on the body.
December 31, 2007

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Dara Torres, 40, Aims for ‘08 Olympics with a little help from Mashing Massage
December 31, 2007

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The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women, published by the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services
December 31, 2007

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The skinny about why the Flu likes colder temperatures
December 31, 2007

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This one is for the athletes: How to train for efficiency
December 31, 2007

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10 Things Your Grocery Store Doesn’t Want You to Know
July 27, 2007

Some savvy shoppers already avoid these marketing traps at their local grocery store, but some of these may be knew. Tricky, tricky, $$$!

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Life Changes & Stress Test
July 27, 2007

I often tell my clients (and pupils) that it’s not a matter of ‘getting rid’ of your stress. Because life is stress.

Once that is accepted and understood, then you can look at life (stress) more objectively. There are two types of stress; good stress, Eustress and bad stress, Distress. Remember, life without stress is a vegetative state. And that would not be a life worth living.

The goal is to develop positive ways of coping with stress. Meditation, hobbies, exercise, yoga, massage are great ways to dissipate and reduce the effects of stress on your body.

The negative effects of stress include lowered immunity from insomnia, anxiety, depression, anger, weight-gain, etc. Lowered immunity has been scientifically proven to create an open door for disease such as heart disease, cancer, colds, among many others.

So, the first question is “how is your stress level?”

Take the Stress Test


More on Chiropractic Neck Adjustments & Strokes
July 27, 2007

 This is a follow-up on a previous article. Interesting web site.

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34 Uses of Soda
July 27, 2007

 (link to 34 uses of soda.pdf)
Although some of these may be of dubious origin, I think this list may rattle our belief of exactly what we put in our bodies. I think I’ll have a water with lemon...thanks!

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Quadricep connection to Osteoarthritis of the Knee
July 27, 2007

Recent article that shows the importance of toning the Quadriceps to ward off debilitating knee pain.

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A Deadly Twist
May 16, 2007

Chiropractors are causing strokes in young, healthy women. Read this before your next appointment.

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Magic Touch
May 16, 2007

A Magic Touch for many…Massage moves into the mainstream as more of us see it as essential to our wellbeing.

Darryl E. Owens
Sentinel Staff Writer.

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Disc Herniation and Back Pain
February 5, 2007

Most patients are shocked to learn this. Here is the info to back it up. Another complementary study shows that anywhere from 80-90% of back pain is functional (muscles, connective tissue and joints).


The Power of Touch
February 15, 2007

This article clearly states some intuitive yet little known facts about touch and it’s healing effects on the human body. Check out my comments by placing your cursor over the dialogue bubbles!

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10 Things About Your Hospital
February 21, 2007

...that they don’t tell you. Eye opening and insightful information you may want to remember on your next visit to the hospital.

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Stress & Aging
August 23, 2006

Proving what LMTs already know...stress is a major player in aging and disease

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Good Fish, Bad Fish
August 23, 2006

Here is the scoop on the benefits and risks of eating seafood

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Athletes Run Risk of Over-Hydrating
August 23, 2006

Although I ran an article on this in my Massage Minute a few months ago, here is some more great info including; coffee doesn’t dehydrate and when it’s appropriate to drink a case of beer for fluid replacement ;o)


Please Don’t Make Me go on Vacation
August 23, 2006

Stressed? Go on vacation, right?! Think again...

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Music Therapy May Help Ease Pain
August 23, 2006

Music soothes those ravaged with pain


Feel Blue? Say ‘I do!’
August 23, 2006

Interesting information about mood and marriage

read this one all the way through

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Anti Addiction Pill
July 28, 2006

Recovery is more than just taking a pill or.... getting a shot....
Recovery is also about the spirit....

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Link between Diabetes & Alzheimer's Deepens
July 28, 2006

Add Dementia to an already extensive list of Diabetes complications.

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The Adequacy of Medical School Education in
Musculoskeletal Medicine
July 28, 2006

Physicians in training don’t make the grade with chronic soft tissue pain complaints.

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Research: Massage is Effective in Alleviating Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness Caused by Eccentric Exercise
July 28, 2006

Confirming research about the efficacy of massage with DOMS, Post-Workout Soreness and associated swelling.

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Q&A: Your Question on Migraine
July 28, 2006

Ah, My Aching Back
July 13, 2006

Interactive Complete 4 part series

10 Body Myths
June 26, 2006

From memory loss to hair loss - How well do you know your body?

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Muscle Soreness and Massage
June 19, 2006

From memory loss to hair loss - How well do you know your body?

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Energy drinks are Fueling Concerns
June 19, 2006

The amount of stimulants in these drinks can be almost impossible to determine.

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